Incentives for foreign investment in Oman Capital Market:
- No restrictions on capital and profit transfers. Please refer to Income Tax Law here
- No restrictions on exchange processes
- The convertibility of the Rial Omani and fixed exchange rate with US$.
- Law corporate profit tax.
- Foreign investors can invest in the shares of listed companies or investment Funds without prior permission.
- There is independent regulatory and supervisory authority to organizing, monitoring, and supervising Muscat Securities Market to ensure the protection of investors.
The advantage of investment in the Sultanate of Oman:
One of the most progressive countries in the Middle East, the Sultanate has worked at creating the right climate for new investments by developing a free, competitive economy with equal opportunities for all, and shaping lows and regulations that encourage enterprise
- Free economy system.
- Political and economic stability.
- Up to 100% foreign ownership.
- No restriction capital and profit transfers.
- No personal income tax
- Provision of soft loans with low interest rates and easy payback periods.
- Corporate tax holiday of up to 10 years.
- Export credit insurance through the Export Guarantee and Financing Agency.
- Providing special law for foreign investment to protect the foreign investor’s right.
To view the Law, please click Here